11/30/2006 Update of the revised version v4.1h
Official launch of updated Service-Release v4.1h:
  1. fixes a bug in Display-Filter related to lowercase/uppercase layer name notation
  2. version for AutoCAD 2007 finished
12/05/2005 Update of the new version v4.1h
Official launch of Service-Release v4.1h:
  1. several minor issues related to AutoCAD 2004/2005/2006 are fixed
08/10/2003 Update of the new version v4.1g
Official launch of Service-Release v4.1g:
  1. fixes a bug related to "Erase Layer" function, that caused the layers not to be deleted
  2. fixes a bug related to "Auto-Structuring" that prevented hierarchies from being created automatically
  3. a new settings switch in Layman.ini settings file can be used to suppress automatically displayed XRef groups
  4. the new version for AutoCAD 2004 and LT 2004 is available now
03/20/2003 Update of the new version v4.1f
Official launch of Service-Release v4.1f:
  1. a minor issue with loading and saving LayerManager data is fixed
  2. massive overall performance improvements
  3. LayerTools offers some more features; window management is improved
01/15/2003 Update of the new version v4.1e
Official launch of Service-Release v4.1e:
  1. Several minor issues have been fixed
  2. LaymanPro now supports plotstyles completely (popup window will ahow all plotstyles)
  3. improved performance for loading and storing LayerManager data from/to drawing
  4. improved performance for updating the left and right window panels
  5. additionally, this version fixes some minor bugs and includes updated online-help + documentation
10/15/2002 Update of the new version v4.1d
Official launch of Service-Release v4.1d:
  1. LayerManager now uses our new LTE2000 kernel for AutoCAD LT
  2. the "Clone" function for Copy/Rename now offers several working modes : besides Prefix/Suffix method the new method Search/Replace is available
  3. improved performance for loading and storing LayerManager data from/to drawing
  4. improved performance for updating the left and right window panels
  5. additionally, this version fixes some minor bugs and includes updated online-help + documentation
03/20/2002 Update of the new version v4.1c
Official launch of Service-Release v4.1c:
  1. Improved Features and Handling under AutoCAD LT (VisualLisp functions are available now !)
  2. Improved compatibility with external 'Lisp-Enabler' Tools under LT (LTToolKit, LT-Extender)
  3. LaymanPro's plotstyle handling has been improved (unavailable, but assigned plotstyle are marked now !)
  4. 2 new, predefined Display-Filters ("XRefs Only" and "Without XRefs") are provided
  5. additionally, this version fixes some minor bugs and includes updated online-help + documentation
12/28/2001 Update of the new version v4.1b
Official launch of Service-Release v4.1b:
  1. LaymanPro's linetype handling has been improved (i.e. loading linetypes from *.lin files available)
  2. Integration into AutoCAD LT has been improved, new menufile with Toolbars included
  3. processing AutoLisp is now completely compatible (Problem with asynchroneous Lisp processing is fixed)
  4. advanced 3D-Surface and AutoCAD Renderer commands are available for AutoCAD LT now
  5. direct online purchase and download of registered version is now available from
  6. additionally, this version fixes some minor bugs and includes updated online-help + documentation
  7. new Language Packs available for Spanisch (Castellan) and Catalan
08/30/2001 Update of the new version v4.1a
An update of the new version v4.1a (August/30/2001) is now available. The following bugs are fixed:
  1. HOT NEWS: LayerManager now completely supports AutoCAD LT !
  2. the LayerManager-Version for AutoCAD 2000(i)/2002 works with AutoCAD LT 2000(i)/2002
  3.  the LayerManager-Version for AutoCAD R14 works with AutoCAD LT 97/98 using a single installation, LayerManager will automatically run with all your installed AutoCAD versions, even over a network !
  4. additionally, this version fixes some bugs and includes some new, important features (see Info)
  5. Online-Help (Layman.chm) and Manual (Manual.pdf) are fixed and updated
05/23/2001 Update of the new version v4.1
An update of the new version v4.1 (May/23/2001) is now available. The following bugs are fixed:
  1. LayerManager-Import with Hierarchies-Mode generally created all layers used by layergroups,instead of creating only those layers referenced by imported hierarchies and layergroups.
  2. Creating a new layer and Renaming an existing layer under AutoCAD R14 failed sometimes; the layer remained with its original name
  3. when the Layer's linetype is changed, the drawing is correctly updated now; with previous versions it was nessecary to manually update the drawing with "_regen" command
  4. Online-Help (Layman.chm) and Manual (Manual.pdf) are fixed and updated
03/29/2001 Launch of the new version v4.1
The new version v4.1 (March/29/2001) is out now. Update for version v4.0 (March/29/2001) is available at the Download area
With the new version the design and programming work for version v4.2 are "on the road" ... all users are invited to send their ideas and wishes to our "wishlist"; these are highly appreciated ...
A short summary to planned details on next version v4.2 you will find under "Plans ..."
03/12/2001 The most current version v4.0 (March/12/2001) is available
The most current version v4.0 (March/12/2001) is available from the Download area. Some minor bugs with Windows® 98 are fixed, the Import/Export is improved and complete now.
In this moment, finishing the new version v4.1 has highest priority: The program code is ready-to-use and very stable, and the current v4.1 Preview may be downloaded from "Beta Versions". Only the documentation and online-help is not completely finished.

The design and programming work for version v4.2 are "on the road" ... all users are invited to send their ideas and wishes to our "wishlist"; these are highly appreciated ...
A short summary to planned details on next version v4.2 you will find under "Plans ..."

02/11/2001 The latest version of v4.0 is available for download
The latest version of v4.0 (Feb/11/2001) is available for download. Especially some minor bugs when using LayerManager with MDT are fixed.
02/01/2001 Finish of version v4.1

At the moment the finish of version v4.1 is on top. The program is already finished and is very stable. A preview of this version is available at the download area under "Beta-Version" Only the online help and the documentation aren't finished yet.

01/30/2001 The "Users Wishes Version"
Programming the version v4.2 has started. User's wishhes can be given to our wishlist. An overview of planned changes can be found on "Plans ..."